Fees and Charges


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Most municipal services are subsidized from property taxes. User fee increases allow the Town to reduce the impact on the tax rate while continuing to provide high levels of service to our customers.

Hard copies of fees & charges and the related by-law can be obtained from the Legislative Services Department at 395 Mulock Drive. 

Rates and Fees Annual Review  

As part of the annual business planning and budget schedule, all rates and fees were reviewed in accordance with the Annual Budget Review Process and application of the Service Pricing Policy.

The Annual Budget Review includes a review of market conditions, participation rates and external factors. The Service Pricing Policy, established in 2007, balances costs between user groups and taxpayers and allows for long-term financial sustainability. For further information on the Service Pricing Policy, please read the Municipal Budget 101 - Service Pricing Policy.

The Town passed the applicable by-laws for fees and charges under the Municipal Act 2001 and the Planning Act. 

  • Tax Certificate: $90.95; Expedited: $105.99
  • Returned Cheque Fee: $55.46
  • Taxes Statement of Account: $21.85
  • Tax Year Receipt: $16.40
  • Financial Services Admin. Fee: 16% + HST
  • New Account/Roll Number Fee:  $43.71
  • Tax Bill Reprint: $30.87

2025 Fees and Charges 

2024-62- General Fees

2024-61 - Planning Act Processing

2024-60 - Building

2024-64- Water and Wastewater

2024-63 - Stormwater

Please be advised that on June 26, 2023, Council will meet to consider the merits of making minor amendments to the Building Division Fees schedule. These changes relate to unsafe buildings and refunds, neither of which are expected to significantly impact the Town's costs to administer and enforce the [Ontario] Building Code Act. All other fees and rates are proposed to remain the same, until the next cost adjustment cycle. Any person or organization is welcome to attend this Council meeting, in person or virtually. Questions about this proposed by-law amendment may be directed to the Chief Building Official at [email protected]

Please refer to the Development Charges page for current rates.​ 

Acceptable methods of payment: 

Please call 905-895-5193 to make payment with a credit card over the phone. Alternatively, cheques can be dropped off in the after hours drop box located at the front of the Municipal Offices (395 Mulock Drive). 

**Please note that credit cards will be NOT be accepted for the payment of property taxes or deposits in any amount (i.e. pool and road/blvd).