Bike Lane Signs and Symbols


Bike lane signs and symbols have been appearing alongside bike lanes in Newmarket. It is important that all road users understand the intentions of each sign and symbol. This will help maintain safe roads and travels for all users.

Safety Starts with you: Bike Signs Video

Learn about the various types of Bike Signs that you may encounter in Newmarket by watching this educational video brought to you by Safety Cone Sam and Belle the Bike:


Bike Lane Signs

A graphic showing a 'turning vehicles yield to bicycles' sign
Turning Vehicles Yield to Bicycles
This sign is used to indicate to motorists that they must yield to cyclists before turning right at an intersection.
Ie. Srigley Street and Carlson Drive

A graphic showing a 'single file' bike sign
Single File
This sign is intended to indicate that motorists and cyclists share the road, and ride in a single file fashion. Vehicles are not permitted to pass cyclists; unless there is a dashed line and it is safe to do so.
Ie. Main Street South between Timothy Street and Park Ave
a graphic of a 'share the road' bike sign
Share the Road 
This sign is intended to indicate that motorists and cyclists share the road and that cyclists should ride near the curb.
Ie. Timothy St between Doug Duncan Drive and Main St South 
a picture of 'contraflow bicycle lane crossing' sign
Contraflow Bicycle Lane Crossing
This sign is used as an approach to an intersection with one-way motor traffic and two-way cyclist movement.
Ie. Eagle Street West and Upper Canada Road
a graphic of a 'reserved bicycle lane ahead' sign
Reserved Bicycle Lane Ahead
This sign is placed on a road without bike lanes warning road users that bike lanes are ahead and that motorists may need to re-align their position on the road.
Ie. Stackhouse Road and Leslie Street (North-East corner)
a graphic showing a 'reserved bike lane' sign
Reserved Bike Lane
This sign indicates a portion of the designated roadway for the exclusive use of cyclists.
Ie. Millard Avenue between Lorne Avenue and Yonge Street

a graphic showing a 'bicycle route' sign
Bicycle Route 
This sign indicates a bicycle route.
Ie. Park Avenue between Main Street South and Lorne Avenue

Bike Lane Symbols 

Crossrides (Elephant's feet)
At crosswalks, cyclists are legally required to dismount and walk their bicycles across. Elephant's feet (painted squares) allow cyclists to ride their bicycles along the crosswalk legally.  Crossrides can be combined with pedestrian crossings by adding elephant's feet along both edges of the crosswalk.  Crossrides can also be separate, a crosswalk for pedestrians, and a crossride for cyclists. To date, Newmarket has only installed combined crossrides. Elephant's feet may also be seen at entrances to commercial properties.   Ie. Eagle Street West and Millard Avenue West
a graphic showing 'mixed crossride' symbol on a multi use path
Mixed Crossride 
This symbol is used to indicate a multi-use path for pedestrians and cyclists and the direction of travel for all users.  To learn more about how to navigate multi-use paths, please visit our Types of Bike Lanes page.
Ie. Eagle Street West
a picture showing 'chevrons' or double arrows on Srigley St
Chevrons (Double Arrows)
Chevrons are typically used at intersections where a bicycle lane and a street intersect. They indicate to cyclists that an intersection is approaching and to be aware of vehicles entering the bike lane.  Likewise, it alerts motorists that cyclists are anticipated and to proceed with caution.
Ie. Srigley Street between Prospect Street and Leslie Street
a picture showing a bicycle and diamond symbol on Prospect Street
Bicycle with a Diamond
This symbol indicates a reserved bike lane; a designated portion of roadway dedicated to cyclists.
Ie. Prospect Street between Timothy Street and Srigley Street
a picture of a white painted bike symbol with double arrows ontop of a green square background
Sharrow symbols are used to indicate a bicycle route and the preferred travel path for cyclists.  To learn more, please visit our Types of Bike Lanes page.