Redwood Application


​​​The Town of Newmarket has received an application for site plan approval for the properties of 17645 Yonge Street, known by many Newmarket residents by the name of its previous application "Slessor Square". The current application has been provided by "Redwood on Yonge". This page provides information on the application, its status, and opportunities for you to voice your opinions on the proposal.

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Current Status

The application for zoning by-law amendment has been approved by Newmarket Council. The Town has now received an application for site plan approval and is proceeding with the technical review of the application. 

Applicatio​n Do​cuments

Documents from the application are available through the Town's FTP for your information. These documents were provided by the proponent of the application. They are under review and do not constitute an approved application.  Additional documents are available at the Planning Department from Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. 

A revised submission submitted in June 2020 is available here.
